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Mickey-Lenin. One Work Gallery, Moscow

27 February at One Work Gallery in Moscow opened the exhibition of Alexander Kosolapov. An artist has introduced his new work, the statue of Mickey-Lenin. The bronze sculpture is standing on the marble column base; the total height of composition is 2 meter 40 cm. As an artist said in the interview with Reuters, the […]

A set of hooligans knocked off the exhibition “Caution: Religion!”

Day-to-day history: “Caution: Religion!” exhibition was open on January 14. Alexander Kosolapov’s work “This is my blood” was on view. On January 18 six churchgoers of St. Nikolai Cathedral in Pyzhy came to the exhibition and started destroying and spoiling exhibit items. Alexander Kosolapov’s work was damaged too. Militiamen called by the caretaker took away […]